Using Google to organise your life

Google have launched an online outlook-esque calendar system for googlemail (gmail) users. The system will allow you to store appointments, receiver reminders and share schedules, importing information directly into emails. While Yahoo have been running a calendar service for 8 years now, they are now claiming they will update their system in direct response to Google’s launch.
What makes Google’s calendar more interesting than your usual planning service is it uses ‘natural language processing technology’….which means that you can enter something like ‘lunch on Monday at 12pm’ and it will automatically add it in the correct slot on your calendar. You can also create multiple calendars.
The good news is (and the reason I can write about this on Jill’s Corner) is that Google plan to synchronise the calendar service with Outlook and make it mobile device friendly within the next few months. As always, I’ll let you know if I hear any more.
[via Jill]
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